Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fun with Dad

Vicka felt a photo shoot with dad and kids was in order....here are the results... :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sasha is 7 month today!!!

Snow gear AGAIN!!!

We finally got our snow and it has been really cold outside. The girls got their snow outfits for playing and I think this is how they are going to look till april or so:):):) Anastasia fit in Emma's 3 years old snow sute and Emma's coat and snowpants still fit her. She may need another coat soon as she is growing so fast, but I think for the first part of winter she should be covered^)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

No more shopping for Stacia!!!

Every AWANA night Stacia and mommy are going shopping for a week. Because she is helping a lot by the end of the shopping Anastasia has no straingth to hold her head strait:)

Sasha trying to crawl