Monday, October 6, 2008

The New Chaplino tour

One of the places of interest for tourists is the Eskimo village New Chaplino. We drove there on these tundra buses and on the way we got out to see some tundra flowers and plants. It takes about 40 minutes to get to the village and this is the only place that is connected with Provideniya by road. There are 380 people live in New Chaplino most of them are Eskimo marine mammal hunters. They hunt wale, walrus, seal and other animals of the Bering sea.

This is a vew of the Tkachen Bay where the New Chaplino is located - very beautiful spot
The dog sled master - Eskimo boy Ivan telling us about his dogs
One of the tourists getting a ride on the New Chaplino "taxi" - a dog sled with a four wheel cart
The concert at the school - traditional Eskimo dances
At the school you also can try some wale meat and some local fish and of course buy suvenires

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